GUVS study: Improving FIP diagnostics
Sponsored by the Luca Fund for FIP Research
Title: Feline Infectious Peritonitis: computer assisted clinical decision making.
Lead researcher: Mrs. Dawn Dunbar
Project Supervisors: Dr. William Weir
Prof. Margaret Hosie
Dr. Simon Babayan
The pathogenesis of FIP remains poorly understood even after decades of research; this lack of knowledge impedes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Mrs. Dunbar is a highly motivated scientist with a keen interest in virology and specifically viral diagnostics. Her interest in FIP arose from working at the University of Glasgow University School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine (VDS), a laboratory well known for its involvement in FIP Research.
During the course of her PhD project, Ms. Dunbar will undertake research on a number of themes related to improving FIP diagnostics, specifically:
• Evaluate the current range of host parameters used for FIP diagnosis
• Identify novel biomarkers using established and emerging technologies
• Develop algorithms to allow quantitative FIP diagnostics
This project is a collaborative effort involving the School of Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine and the Center for Virus Research (CVR) at the University of Glasgow.To learn more about Mrs. Dunbar’s PhD project, please visit this page.
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