“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” –Martin Buber.
† October 5, 2013
July 20, 2012
† October 5, 2013
Dry FIP • U.S.A
July 20, 2012
† October 5, 2013
Dry FIP • U.S.A
† Pril 24, 2015
March 19, 2014
† April 24, 2015
Dry FIP • France
March 19, 2014
† April 24, 2015
Dry FIP • France
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened." – Anatole France
“The smallest feline is a masterpiece." –Leonardo da Vinci
† August 31, 2013
October 15, 2011
† August 31, 2013
Dry FIP • South Africa
October 15, 2011
† August 31, 2013
Dry FIP • South Africa
“A kitten is in the animal world what a rosebud is in the garden.” –Robert Southey
† December 11, 2018
April 15. 2013
† December 11, 2018
Dry FIP • South Africa
April 15, 2013
† December 11, 2018
Dry FIP • South Africa
"God made the cat in order that man might have the pleasure of caressing the lion." –Fernand Mery
MONTY (right)
† July 3, 2017
EL CID (left)
† November 10, 2017
MONTY (right)
March 17, 2017
† July 3, 2017
EL CID (left)
March 20, 2017
† November 10, 2017
Dry FIP • U.S.A
MONTY (right)
March 17, 2017
† July 3, 2017
EL CID (left)
March 20, 2017
† November 10, 2017
Dry FIP • U.S.A
† September 1, 2017
March 3, 2015
† September 1, 2017
Dry FIP • U.S.A
March 3, 2015
† September 1, 2017
Dry FIP • U.S.A
“What greater gift than the love of a cat?” –Charles Dickens
† April 1, 2017
Wet to Dry
July 9, 2016
† April 1, 2017
Wet to Dry • U.K
July 9, 2016
† April 1, 2017
Wet to Dry • U.K
Look at animals kindly, and they will see. Talk to animals gently, and they will listen.” –A.D Williams
Welcome to EndFIP.com, a website created by and for individuals who believe in, and want to actively support research into FCoV eradication and ending Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), without the use of laboratory cats. It was created with the purpose of promoting knowledge amongst cat lovers, breeders and rescuers and is a place where people can come to learn the latest news on FIP prevention and most importantly progress in the goal of eradicating FCoV, the virus that causes FIP.
Dr. Diane D. Addie
What is FIP?
Feline Infectious Peritonitis is a devastating viral disease of cats that occurs worldwide and can affect many systems of the body. It is a progressive disease and almost always fatal. FIP affects domestic cats, especially purebred kittens: 70% of FIP cases are in pedigree kittens and cats. It is also a plague in rescue shelters and can be a danger to big cats kept in zoo environments. FIP occurs when the cat mounts an overly inflammatory immune response to feline coronavirus infection.
EndFIP®: A vision and a mission
• Bring awareness • Raise funds for research • Eradicate FCoV & end FIP
Education saves lives.

FCoV-101 For cat guardians
What is the difference between FCoV and FIP? What can I do to protect my cat? What tests should I ask for? Find the answer to these questions and more.

FCoV-101 For breeders
What can be done to avoid spreading FCoV in catteries? Can you minimize the risks of exposure? How can you eliminate the FCoV virus and breed healthy kittens??

FCoV-101 For shelters
What can be done to prevent an outbreak of FIP in shelters and rescues? How can you protect newly rescued cats and kittens and reduce risks of infection?
DISCLAIMER: The use of this website is at your own risk. This website is for information purposes ONLY, and it is NOT meant to replace a consultation with a fully qualified veterinary surgeon (veterinarian). It is NOT intended to be used to diagnose or treat any cat. The creators share their personal experiences, recommendations of treatments, foods, medications, supplements, and products for informative and educational purposes exclusively. The information in this site cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment. Creators and contributors exclude all liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising out of use of this site or reliance upon its contents. Furthermore, creators and contributors strongly advise all users to always seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian and to obtain professional advice on the correct regimen for your cat and his or her particular situation. NO responsibility can be accepted. Please read our full disclaimer, copyrights and attributions.